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Sobre nós

O Porto Preguiças é o único meio de hospedagem em toda a região, concebido no conceito “Resort”. São 200.000m² de área, às margens do Rio Preguiças. As edificações estão em perfeita harmonia com a natureza e o cuidado ambiental é uma de nossas prioridades.

Each of our 8 double rooms has its own distinct.
General Resort

Each of our 8 double rooms has its own distinct.

You should pay more attention when you choose your wallets. There are a lot of them on the market with the different designs and styles. When you choose carefully, you would be able to buy a wallet that is catered to your needs. Not to mention that it will help to enhance your style significantly.

The World Caters to Average People
General Resort

The World Caters to Average People

You should pay more attention when you choose your wallets. There are a lot of them on the market with the different designs and styles. When you choose carefully, you would be able to buy a wallet that is catered to your needs. Not to mention that it will help to enhance your style significantly.